Planning Your Installation

Quality Installations of Hearing Loops

gordon morris

When considering the installation of a hearing loop, there are 3 main steps that need to be considered.

Planning, Installation and Measurement. These are vital in a successful loop installation.

Initial Planning

It is important to plan for successful installations. This ensures that all aspects have been considered. You need to:

  • Find out the purpose of the room
  • Consider the size of the room to be covered.
  • Decide whether an induction loop is the correct solution.
  • Select a loop amplifier with the sufficient power output.
  • Investigate how much metal is present and how it will affect the loop.
  • Decide if overspill needs to be controlled.
  • Choose which loop system is best suited for this project.


Factors to consider include:

  • Loop wire or Copper tape
    Where the loop is to be fitted – ceiling, floor or wall
  • What material is the ceiling, floor or walls
  • The influence of other systems within the building ie. projectors, white boards etc
  • Where to put the amplifier.
gordon morris
gordon morris


A loop system cannot be finalised and approved until the installer has certified it. The following points are important:

  • A system must be measured and certified according to the IEC standard 60118-4
  • The measurement can only be performed by a true RMS field strength meter such as the UniVox FSM 2.0

Installation Tips

  • Choose an amplifier that gives at least 20% margin to compensate for the metal loss
  • If you have a square loop, the sides should not exceed 10m

We are here to help with any questions/issues regarding the installation of an induction loop – so do not hesitate to contact us!

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