Comfort Audio Digisystems

Comfort Digisystem: hearing products for all situations

Developed in Sweden, Wireless Comfort Digisystem is a family of widely compatible microphones and receivers that enhances speech and filters out disturbing background noise before it reaches your hearing aid. 

Crystal clear sound is transmitted using Digital Modulation (DM), with no time lag for the user. The system is also encrypted so the users can be confident in the security of the Comfort Digisystem. In fact, the system was awarded the Best New Product at AAA in 2011, for its outstanding innovation. Though this technology has now been on the market for nearly a decade, its still a great system.

Hearing aids should be set to their Telecoil (or ‘Loop’ Setting), or the system can be used with a Direct Audio Input socket. 

The choice of receiver and microphone depend on the situation in which you need help to hear better, whether in the workplace, everyday life or education. The team at Gordon Morris will be happy to help you find the right solution!


Comfort Digisystem

Comfort Audio Digisystem Products

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